WakeUp Deborah

The start

In 1995, the Global Conference of World Evangelism took place in Seoul, Korea. During this event, a Brazilian pastor and his compatriot, director Youth for Christ, were deeply touched by God’s work. They saw 100,000 young people respond to a call to be blessed, to spread the gospel. Their vocation was the answer to the prayer of their mothers. God was praised for the faithful prayer that their children would follow Jesus.
Once back in Brazil, the men shared what they had seen, and the vision for Wakeup Deborah was born. From the desire for a revival among children and young people in Brazil, they decided to encourage women to pray faithfully and passionately for (their) children every day for 15 minutes. Meanwhile there are more than 100.000 Deborah’s in Brazil.

The movement

WakeUp Deborah is a global movement of volunteers, active in several countries around the world. We focus on collaboration with Youth for Christ, churches, Bible study groups and Christian movements. In some countries it is a movement of women, but in other countries men can be intercessor as well. Women are called Deborah and men are called Daniel. Each team, church, city or country has a prayer coordinator and all are connected to the bigger organization. Each group and every network is responsible for maintaining the vision, the logo and to reproduce it whenever possible. Together, all these groups form a worldwide mosaic of prayers.

WakeUp Deborah is worldwide coordinated by an international team of three women.

The origin of the name

The name WakeUp Deborah comes from the Bible in the Book of Judges, chapters 4 and 5. Deborah was a faithful and courageous woman. She was both judge and prophetess in Israel in a time of spiritual and moral decay. When Jabin, the Canaanite king had been oppressing Israel for twenty years, the Israelites prayed for help. God had chosen the Israelite Barak to fight Jabin. Deborah passed on God’s commission to Barak. He wanted to start the fight with Jabin, but only if Deborah went with him. She did she encouraged others, because she did not doubt that God would give them victory. In Judges 5:12, we can read about Deborah’s song: “Awake, awake, Deborah! Wake up, wake up, sing your song!”  

Deborah’s actions had great influence as is emphasized in Judges 5: 7: “There were no leaders in Israel until I, Deborah, rose as a mother in Israel.” Deborah listened to God and was confident that God responds to prayer. That is why Deborah is a role model for every intercessor who stands up. Her victory song ends in Judges 5:31, where she prays: “But those who love Him will radiantly shine like the rising sun.” The name and logo of Wakeup Deborah reflects the hope that God through prayer can bring light to the lives of young ones. Do you share this hope and do you want to stand up for young people? Go to GET STARTED >